The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

As I was looking for inspiration to write this weblog today I ran across this article by Sustainable Kentucky that talks about how to start/support your local food economy.
Here is the first thing this article suggests doing.

(1) Start with yourself. Seek out local farms and buy from them—year round, every week, rain or shine, higher prices or not. When you attend events, ask for local foods. When you go to locally-owned restaurants, ask for local food. When your group hires a caterer, demand that they buy from local farms and be prepared to pay the extra cost. Go to the nearest farmers market no matter the weather. Be a local food evangelist to your friends without being too preachy. (Win them with flavor!) Take local food to potlucks and family reunions. Give the gift of local food to your friends around the holidays. Join a CSA. Grow your own, buy from a local farm, or don’t eat it!

We are starting our very own local foods movement right here in Caldwell county and I thank you for your support. You are doing step one each and every week for your local farmers and I cannot say thank you enough!
Here is to our very own homegrown foods movement! So exciting!
See you Friday,

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Locally Grown - Availability for January 28th, 2015

Hey Local Food Lovers,

A good bunch of the growers for Locally Grown gathered this weekend to break bread together and evaluate how our 2014 year went and lay plans for 2015. The potluck lunch we all shared was as you might have guessed, delicious (one of the best meals I eat all year), the company about as good as it gets, and the discussion exciting!

Locally Grown grew a lot this year, with sales increasing by over 65% from the year before. We also had 8 new producers join the market adding new products. I’m not sure exactly how many customers joined in 2014, but we have a total of 827 people who receive these e-mails once a week. Right now that breaks down to 457 of you in Clarkesville, 255 in Tiger, and 115 in Gainesville. Gainesville is very much still in the startup phase, but we don’t anticipate that lasting long. We’re beginning to organize some pretty big plans to let folks in and around Gainesville know we are there in time for Spring and Summer.

Part of those plans are to begin attending some special events in and around Gainesville to meet people and pass out business cards and explain who we are, how it works, and how cool it all is. A few of you have already offered to volunteer to help represent us, and give your own testimonials about your experience shopping and eating from Locally Grown. Having local folks in Gainesville talk us up will be key so don’t be shy. We’re trying to come up with a fun term to refer to our crew of LOCAL FOOD LOVERS.

The Buy Local Safe and Green EXPO is the first big opportunity to do this and it’s coming up on Thursday February 5th. Let us know if you’d like to help at that, or other events and give us ideas of how to get folks attention. Chuck and Amy refused to dress up as a giant talking Sweet Corn and Snow Pea. They said that those veggies aren’t even in season at the same time so it just didn’t make sense.

We’ll be looking for other events to attend too, and may occasionally ask some of you to go and attend for us. This is a great way to not just eat the food, but become a part of the growth of the local food movement. We’re open to creative ideas.

Start thinking about what types of veggies and other products you’d like to see more of in 2015 and any other tweaks or improvements in the market you can think up. Sometime in the next several weeks we’ll be making a survey available that will help us to evolve as best we can to some of your ideas and suggestions.

I could tell you more about all our technological advancements behind the scenes, but we’ll save that for another night.

Thanks for eating good all winter long.


Justin, Chuck, Teri and Andrew

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Open for January 29

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

This evening, as I was bouncing between looking through the list of items our farmers have listed this week and forecasts for the winter storm about to hit the northeast that may be unlike anything that’s happened there for several hundred years, it occurred to me again what a wise choice it was moving to northeast Georgia. Some of our northern growers may get some snow and ice this week, but not enough winter weather to really affect them.

UGA graduate student in the department of Geography, and Athens Locally Grown Member, Aidan Hysjulien is conducting a Master’s Thesis project trying to understand how the values associated with alternative foods systems are incorporated into decisions at the supermarket. This research will consist of an interview during a shopping trip and will require a very minimal time commitment. For more information please contact Aidan Hysjulien at (content removed). Aidan will be manning a table at our pickups this Thursday, if you’d like to talk to him and get a feel for his research project. He is needing to interview quite a few people for his project, and would love your help.

That’s really all the news I have this week — it’s been pretty slow. There are some conferences and other workshops about the business of growing for market coming up in the next month or two, and I’ll try to run through all of them next week.

Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!

Other Area Farmers Markets

The Athens Farmers Market has closed for the winter. You can watch for news during the offseason on their website. The other area markets are also all closed for the season, I believe. If you know of any winter markets operating, please let me know. And they might all be closed, but we’ll be here all year round!

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Old99Farm Market:  Market Day Change Reminder

Ian’s internet is down today, so I’m posting on his behalf and following on his latest post. Next week’s market day is Wednesday, regular hours. Kindly, please place your orders on time. Thank you in advance,

Dawson Local Harvest:  DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST

Fresh and Crispy Produce, Eggs, and Milk available now at the Harvest!

The DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST for January 30th

Hi Everyone!

Hoping you are thinking warm, dry, non-snowy thoughts as we enter the heart of winter. LEILANI’S starts a new round of vegetable plantings next week, so there’s a lot that will be coming soon to The Harvest. In the meantime, check The Market listings to see what’s available for this week,


REMEMBER! You can order until Tuesday night at 8pm. Pick up your order at Leilani’s Gardens Friday afternoons from 4 to 7pm.

You’ll find the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST at

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible! We guarantee your satisfaction with all products in the DAWSON LOCAL HARVEST.

Have a happy and healthy week!

Alan Vining
Market Manager

Green Fork Farmers Market:  Weekly Product List

Dear Green Fork Farmers Market Customers,

New Grower coming soon! Bee Well Gardens will be joining us this spring, and will offer chemical-free plants for sale, including heirloom flowers, medicinal herbs, and native pollinator plants. Keep your eyes out for the first listings over the next couple of months as the plants become ready for sale.

Available this week:

Vegetables—lettuce and spinach.


*Meat*—pastured beef, chicken, lamb, pork, organ meats, soup bones, and parts for stock.

Eggs—pastured chicken eggs.

Specialty foods—fermented sauerkraut and jalapenos, salsa made from local and organic ingredients, sugar cookies, and olives and olive oil directly from the grower in California.

Go ahead and place your order from now until Tuesday at noon. We’ll also have products available for sale at the market on Wednesday from 4-7 pm.

See you then!

Green Fork Farmers Market

Wednesdays 4-7 pm
Indoors, Year Round
At Nightbird Books
205 W. Dickson St.
Fayetteville, AR

To place your order, click on the link below to enter the website. Sign in as a customer, then click on the icon next to each product you wish to order. Proceed to checkout, review the list to make sure it’s correct, then scroll to the bottom and click on Place This Order. Make sure you receive a confirmation email—if you don’t, your order was not processed. Payment is at the market pickup with cash, check, debit/credit card, EBT, and Senior FMNP coupons. Ask about our doubling program for EBT and SFMNP!

Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh Harvest for January 25th

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May


*Beets with Herb Vinaigrette Salad *
from Food52
A good, simple way to fix beets!

Serves 4 to 6
1 1/2 pounds beets (weighed after trimming)
4tablespoons olive oil
2teaspoons each chopped basil, tarragon, chives and mint
1teaspoon Dijon mustard
1tablespoon sherry vinegar
Freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oven to 375 degrees. Lay a large sheet of aluminum foil on a baking sheet. Scrub the beets and lay them on one end of the foil. Sprinkle with 1 tablespoon oil and season with salt. Fold the foil over the beets to make a packet and roll the edges to seal. Bake until the beets are tender, about 30 minutes. Let sit on the baking sheet until warm but not hot. While the beets are still warm, peel them and slice into 1/2-inch wedges. Add the wedges to a serving bowl as you go. Whisk together the mustard, vinegar and a pinch of salt and pepper. Gradually whisk in the remaining 3 tablespoons oil, until the dressing is emulsified. (You can also just throw everything into a jar, screw on the lid tightly and shake until emulsified.) Pour about half the dressing over the beets. Sprinkle in the herbs. Season generously with pepper. Toss well, then taste and adjust seasoning, adding more dressing or salt as needed. Let sit for at least 20 minutes before serving.

Market News


We want to take a moment to send out a warm welcome to our new customers for 2015! We have quite a few new names and faces these days, and we really appreciate your support! When you buy from us, you are truly supporting small local farmers, producers, and their families, as well as other small local businesses in Nashville.

We do honor your feedback, as it helps us to be better at what we do. We also guarantee all of the products sold through Fresh Harvest, so please let us know if something does not meet your expectations. We will gladly refund your money or replace the product.

We have a nice selection of veggies for you this week. We do know that quantity is lower this time of year, so you may find an item you want “Sold Out”. Please let us know in the comments section of your order if you want an item that is sold out, and we will try to get it for you and add it to your bag!

Please support our other vendors that work so hard to provide you with top quality products! We have goat milk soap and lip balm from Little Seed Farm, baked goods from Dozen Bakery, a wonderful selection of cheeses from The Bloomy Rind Cheese shop, and of course our wonderful meat vendors, Wedge Oak farm and Bear Creek.
We also still carry Twin Forks Farm granola, although they are no longer baking bread.

Thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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Berea Gardens:  This week's market

Hi Friends,

Our availability list is pretty puny this week and we have more cold weather in store. I have thousands of seedlings started, but we need some sunshine and a little moderation in the temperatures to get them growing! The one thing we still have in great abundance is our butternut squash. Try roasting some up for a reminder of sunshine.


CLG:  No CLG market this week...

Just a reminder that we won’t be having a market this week due to a scheduling conflict at the parish hall. We will be back next week! Hope to see you then!


Russellville Community Market:  RCM Opening Bell

Welcome to another RCM Market Week!

Be sure to check out the newly listed items this week! Lots of great, local products to be had!

Happy shopping! Eat Local!

Check out the “Featured Items” section as well as the “What’s New” section at the top of the market page for all the latest products available.

Be sure to “Like” our Facebook page for updates and food-related events in your community!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. Remember, you have until 10:00pm Tuesday evening to place your orders.

Happy Shopping! See you on Thursday!

Russellville Community Market