The Weblog

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Cape Locally Grown:  Local Food Time!

Greetings from your local food producers!

We’re excited for the opportunity to bring great local foods to your table this week!

We welcome Karen Null this week from Null Farms Produce in Marble Hill. She’s got some lovely winter squash and whole fruit jams available this week. Karen is also growing hydroponic lettuce in her greenhouse and will be having beautiful red and green lettuces available soon!

For your holiday baking, Mike Edmunds with First Fruits in Gordonville has his delicious black walnuts in the market! They make a great addition to cookies, cakes, brownies, and breads along with salads, squash dishes and more!

Jan and Jim have this to say about their new hats – Our highly anticipated package finally arrived at the farm from El Paso, Texas. Inside were hand crocheted, one-of-a-kind winter hats. Each hat had it’s own unique design and was made from our very own Three Sisters Farm yarn. Our yarn is all naturally colored and milled in Kansas by Shepherds Mill. But, what makes them truly special to us is that they were hand made by our son. Larry is an orchestra teacher and director. When he gets home from work he crochets for relaxation. Such a talented guy. (Of course we are a little biased.). Look for the hats here at The Market.

For those looking for delicious bulk local beef, Jennifer Culbertson at Maple Cottage Farm has half of a steer available (or 1/4 if desired). You can find out more info about her beef under the beef category in the market.

Check out our other growers: Double B and their grass-feed beef, Manoor Manor’s eggs (with muffins to come!), the best ice cream from Cape’s own Cream of the Crust, and Green’s Garden’s organic salad mix and sourdough baked goods (with flatbreads back on the menu!)

We thank you again for your support of our local growers. Demand is growing each week, so order quickly before things run out!

Lance and Sharla Green
Market Managers

Statesboro Market2Go:  Be sure to order this week!

This is your only chance to order from Doug’s Salmon for Christmas, so be sure to order!

Southern Swiss Dairy is back, as well as Fisheads and Walker Farm. And of course your other favorite farmers are still there – Jacobs, Hunter Cattle, and lots more!

The market is open until midnight tonight for pickup this Thursday Dec. 11. We just have 2 markets (Dec. 11 and Dec. 18) before Christmas, so stock up!

Thank you for shopping with us!

Champaign, OH:  A Visit From The Sugar Shack

The Stadlers will be in the house, and out of the Sugar Shack, to bring us a sweet filled tasting, Thursday night, during market order pick up!!

A word from Shary Stadler…

Valley View Woodlands, one of our local vendors, will offer tastings of their delicious products during this week’s Thursday market hours. Tastings will include maple syrup, maple cream, and maple candies. These maple products, which make great gifts, will be available for purchase.

We look forward to having them with us, Thursday!!! Perfect gift buying opportunity!!

Champaign, OH:  Christmas Wrapping

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas…
Couldn’t miss this one this year…
Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas…
Couldn’t miss this one this year…
(The Waitresses – Christmas Wrapping)

I know that we all celebrate the upcoming holiday in different ways, honoring different religions, and traditions…this song is one that is on my playlist and brings back the early 80s, for me…

I know it will be of no big surprise that my holiday playlist is of the eclectic kind. Full of fun, full of fun tunes. This always, always, takes me back to the early 80s, working as a mall rat at the local mall, loving all of the hustle and bustle of the crowds, the lights, all of my fellow mall rats, working out way through Christmas break in various retail shops.

We would work long holiday hours, close up the store fronts, and all race out to have a night of fun, only to return to the same store fronts, the next morning, to excited shoppers, canned Christmas music, Santa Clause, and gift wrapping. I loved those days!!!

Anyway…Christmas Wrapping, a play on words, all about the girl who was racing through the year, full of deadlines, crazy life, chasing the elusive boy, exhausted, and just trying to get it all accomplished in the holiday season.

Sound familiar?? We all do our own version of the Christmas Wrapping song…but one thing that should not be stressing us all out is the local food/gifts/shopping part.

You know we have it all…from baking supplies, to dinner supplies, to locally produced meat/chicken/fish, to baked goods, breads, spices, herbs, coffees, teas, garlic, honey, maple syrups, crafts for gifts, soaps and bath products, fresh produce, molasses, gift sets, gift certificates…it is totally all here…all for both daily use, AND, gift giving!

We can wrap it all up for you…just so you can go off to do your own version of Christmas Wrapping…cue…the music!

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

CLG:  Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.

Hello Friends,

There’s still time to place your order for pickup on Friday, December 12th. The market closes tonight around 10pm.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Twitter: @conwaygrown

On Facebook:


Cold weather coming our way, yet again. Mother Nature sure is having fun fooling us this year. Is she a fickle female or what ?

In any case, our vendors are still on stand-by, awaiting your orders.

So pick out what you need this week, and order away.

We will see you Saturday for your pick up.


Naples,FL:  Recipe Share

*I have never made any of the fermented vegetables and was wondering if anyone would like to share their recipes.
I am looking for anything to share on our facebook page for healthy living.
Recipes do not have to contain raw milk products.
I would just like everyone to share some of their favorite recipes, maybe an exercise, a book, a movie etc.
Anything about healthy living
I will try and post a different one each day.
I would like to give credit to whoever it comes from by using their first name.
Thank you,
Mike and Teresa Alday

McColloms Market:  December FFFN Order Is Now Closed

Hi everyone:

The market is now closed. Pick up will be at my house, as usual. Plan on using the front door.

See you on Wed. between 4:30 and 6:45.


Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh Harvest - Cheese is Up! Still Time to Order Some Veggies!

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May


Market News


The market is still open, and there are lots of good things to order!

The Bloomy Rind put some cheese up later on Sunday, in case you missed it!

We’ve still got beets and carrots, lettuces and greens, and lots of other goodies! Don’t forget about Fresh Harvest Gift Certificates, which are a lovely way to spread the local cheer!

You have until Tuesday evening to place your order.

Thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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Superior Seasons:  Weblog Entry

Order Now for Pickup or Delivery Saturday! We are still offering HOME DELIVERY to Individual customers! Restaurants, Institutions, and other wholesale customers can access delivery with wholesale pricing – ask us how! CLICK HERE, to see what’s available, set up your account, and order.

See What’s Featured and New HERE

Read our Recipe’s section HERE