The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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McColloms Market:  February FFFN Order Closed

Hi All:

The order for this month is now officially closed. Pick up will be tomorrow (Wed) at my house: 118 Shepard Ave. from 4:30 – 6:45. Call if you’re having issues. My cell phone number is (518) 354-0202.

Please use the front door.



Champaign, OH:  Bright Side Of The Road

And time seems to go by so fast…
In the twinkling of an eye…
(Van Morrison – Bright Side Of The Road)

This morning, I was up super early, as always, having coffee in front of the dim light of my computer. I was busy making playlists for my new shop, working on a few emails, catching up on all social media. In those early hours, I have certain artists that I listen to while I work.

This Van Morrison song popped on, and my thoughts began to wander all over the place…mostly about time, and how fast it really does fly by. It’s happening all around me with the opening of my shop coming soon, the Cosmic Co-Ed quickly approaching her college graduation, and watching her excitement as she begins to plan her next journey and path.

I was thinking that we are on the brink of another yearly anniversary of this little market of love. I thought about how each year, we grow even bigger, adding more and more and gaining more and more strength.

Just as I was deep in thought, I received a 6am text from one of my best friends, old college roommate, sorority sister. We are of the same cloth…we have restless minds, free spirits, creative souls, so sleep tends to escape us when we are deep into new projects, new conquests, new ideas…

Her random text told me that no matter how quickly time really does fly, it also seems like it stands still for moments and people and projects, to remind us that it’s good to stop, think, reflect, and reconnect with the people who know your soul, know what you are about, and know what you need, right at the time you don’t even know what you need.

I like to think that this little market is that point of time that moves quickly, and yet, stands still….just for all of us. It’s the stability in this crazy, fast paced life. It offers us a piece of calm. The ability to order with ease, escape the crazy of the big box stores, keeps everything local, eases your stress load, and nourishes your soul with good food…

Take some time, today, to make time stand still…just reflect, regroup, and then turn to us to get you through the week…your soul will love you for it…

Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam

CLG:  Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.

Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup on Friday, February 13th. The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve –

Our Website:

On Twitter: @conwaygrown

On Facebook:

GFM :  Market to Open In May

Good Evening All,

Market is OPEN !

Just a bit of news. The physical market will open on May 2nd, with a mothers day celebration on May 9th. Hours are 8 am to 1 pm.

This year we will also have a Wednesday Market, from 3 to 6 pm.

Please follow our website and Facebook page for updated news.

If you or anyone you know would like to sell at the market, please tell them to go to the website and fill out the online application. Cost this year for a spot at the market is $3.00. Join us.

If you or anyone you know would like to volunteer with the market, we are looking for someone to write the newsletter, help out at the market and we would love to have your input into the market.

Send me an email…

J. Shelton
and the board of the Greeneville Farmers Market

Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Fresh Harvest - Local Love!

To Contact Us

Fresh Harvest, LLC
Link to Fresh Harvest
Email us!
Tallahassee May


Market News


It’s Monday evening, and we have lots of nice items still available for the week. Can you believe chocolate and cheese truffles from The Bloomy Rind? (or maybe it’s cheese and chocolate truffles – whatever. They’ve got to be good!)

We’ve also got lovely potted hyacinth plants for gifts, baguettes to go along with your cheese, and lots of nice meat options for Valentine’s Day dinner. There are some veggies left – just a few – but perhaps you can still snag SOMETHING green while you have the chance!

Also, Wednesday Tally will be bringing some lovely tulip bunches in pinks, red and apricot. There will be 10 stems for $8.00. Let her know if you’d like to reserve some.

As always, thanks so much for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

John and Tallahassee

Coming Events

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

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Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of Feb 8 2015

Yes, you can wish me Happy Birthday, I am fully enjoying being a senior citizen! Just recently I was offered the seniors’ discount at the petfood store; what a bizarre moment of recognition.

I like to put content up here that has nothing, and everything, to do with local food, health and eating well. Sometimes it sounds like a soapbox tirade I suppose. But I wonder how many readers have gained an insight or felt challenged in their presumptions about how life is? Let me explain my motivation…

For example, “we” are currently wrangling about how much to devastate the Earth. That’s the long and short of it when it comes to fossil energy, climate upset and species extinction.

As Susan Solnit puts it in her essay, “Climate Change is (global-scale) Violence” against places and species, as well as against human beings. Once we call it by name, we can start having a real conversation about our priorities and values. Because the revolt against brutality begins with a revolt against the language that hides that brutality.

In every arena, we need to look at industrial-scale and systemic violence, not just the hands-on violence of the less powerful. When it comes to climate change, this is particularly true. Exxon [and the other Alberta Tar Sands miners] has decided to bet that we can’t make the corporation keep its reserves in the ground, and the company is reassuring its investors that it will continue to profit off the rapid, violent, and intentional destruction of the Earth.

But what do we do, the locals? Well, we shop and patronize, invest and borrow, read and converse, etc. All this could be informed by a morality that prizes earth care. But we are all gamblers, with a fatal mental malfunction, we think we can dodge the bullet (win the lottery) next time because so far we have (or haven’t). In the end, the gambler’s fallacy is one of the factors that lead people, companies, and entire civilization to a rapid collapse. It is what Ugo Bardi has called the “Seneca Cliff” from the words of the ancient Roman philosopher who first noted how “the way to ruin is rapid”. In the case described here, we might call it the “Seneca gamble” but, in all cases, it is a ruin that we create with our own hands.

This week we have root crops, especially carrots, wheat and spelt flour, garlic, meats, eggs and honey. I’m making a batch of beef bone broth for sale by the liter.

Healthy eating, and unstoppable caring,

Ian and Cami

Heirloom Living Market Lilburn:  A Worthy Cause...Please Read!

Dear Members:

Whether it is in a ‘traditional classroom’, home, or out in the field, teaching our youth is truly a ‘calling’. It requires dedication and a passion to instill the love of learning.

In addition to being a wife, grandmother, active Member of her Church, working her Farm, running a successful agricultural based business, volunteer work in the community, Tammy Burnell of Burnell Farms founded For My Daughters’ Sake. This non-profit, faith-based organization concentrates it efforts on educating and engaging girls (from 8 to 21) in educational programs. Teaching our youth self-sufficiency skills enhances their knowledge, ability to accept responsibility, confidence to meet those responsibilities, ability to think ‘outside of the box’ and create a niche to entrepreneurial success. On the path they are learning about nutrient dense foods for healthy nutrition, sustainability, canning, sewing, soap making, etiquette —
and a myriad of other life skills that will serve them well as they transition in the the world of adult-hood. Keeping and growing in faith and spiritual ideals will give them strength and fortitude in their journey.

Truly Living Well, a well-established urban farm and organization out of Atlanta, Georgia has collaborated with Burnell Farms to add to the success of this youth program.

In an effort to further the girls’ understanding of organic farming, Tammy is endeavoring to take them to the Georgia Organics Conference being held later this month. The girls engaged in a canning project to raise money; but have fallen a bit short and need our help! You can do this either by donating at Market pickup or by clicking the link below! A portion of the Market proceeds this week will be donated to My Daughters’ Sake. Will you help also?

I want to help For My Daughters’ Sake

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for donating to this worthy endeavor! In a future Newsletter, I will provide feedback from these young ladies about their experience!

Joyful thoughts and bountiful blessings,


Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill:  A Worthy Cause...Please Read!

Dear Members:

Whether it is in a ‘traditional classroom’, home, or out in the field, teaching our youth is truly a ‘calling’. It requires dedication and a passion to instill the love of learning.

In addition to being a wife, grandmother, active Member of her Church, working her Farm, running a successful agricultural based business, volunteer work in the community, Tammy Burnell of Burnell Farms founded For My Daughters’ Sake. This non-profit, faith-based organization concentrates it efforts on educating and engaging girls (from 8 to 21) in educational programs. Teaching our youth self-sufficiency skills enhances their knowledge, ability to accept responsibility, confidence to meet those responsibilities, ability to think ‘outside of the box’ and create a niche to entrepreneurial success. On the path they are learning about nutrient dense foods for healthy nutrition, sustainability, canning, sewing, soap making, etiquette —
and a myriad of other life skills that will serve them well as they transition in the the world of adult-hood. Keeping and growing in faith and spiritual ideals will give them strength and fortitude in their journey.

Truly Living Well, a well-established urban farm and organization out of Atlanta, Georgia has collaborated with Burnell Farms to add to the success of this youth program.

In an effort to further the girls’ understanding of organic farming, Tammy is endeavoring to take them to the Georgia Organics Conference being held later this month. The girls engaged in a canning project to raise money; but have fallen a bit short and need our help! You can do this either by donating at Market pickup or by clicking the link below! A portion of the Market proceeds this week will be donated to My Daughters’ Sake. Will you help also?

I want to help For My Daughters’ Sake

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for donating to this worthy endeavor! In a future Newsletter, I will provide feedback from these young ladies about their experience!

Joyful thoughts and bountiful blessings,


Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville :  A Worthy Cause...Please Read!

Dear Members:

Whether it is in a ‘traditional classroom’, home, or out in the field, teaching our youth is truly a ‘calling’. It requires dedication and a passion to instill the love of learning.

In addition to being a wife, grandmother, active Member of her Church, working her Farm, running a successful agricultural based business, volunteer work in the community, Tammy Burnell of Burnell Farms founded For My Daughters’ Sake. This non-profit, faith-based organization concentrates it efforts on educating and engaging girls (from 8 to 21) in educational programs. Teaching our youth self-sufficiency skills enhances their knowledge, ability to accept responsibility, confidence to meet those responsibilities, ability to think ‘outside of the box’ and create a niche to entrepreneurial success. On the path they are learning about nutrient dense foods for healthy nutrition, sustainability, canning, sewing, soap making, etiquette —
and a myriad of other life skills that will serve them well as they transition in the the world of adult-hood. Keeping and growing in faith and spiritual ideals will give them strength and fortitude in their journey.

Truly Living Well, a well-established urban farm and organization out of Atlanta, Georgia has collaborated with Burnell Farms to add to the success of this youth program.

In an effort to further the girls’ understanding of organic farming, Tammy is endeavoring to take them to the Georgia Organics Conference being held later this month. The girls engaged in a canning project to raise money; but have fallen a bit short and need our help! You can do this either by donating at Market pickup or by clicking the link below! A portion of the Market proceeds this week will be donated to My Daughters’ Sake. Will you help also?

I want to help For My Daughters’ Sake

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for donating to this worthy endeavor! In a future Newsletter, I will provide feedback from these young ladies about their experience!

Joyful thoughts and bountiful blessings,


Princeton Farm Fresh:  The Market is Open

See you at the Market on Friday,